All matters relating to estate administration and the supervision of trustees and other court appointed fiduciaries are the official responsibilities of the office of the Bankruptcy Administrator - an independent, non-judicial officer of the Federal Judiciary. The Bankruptcy Administrator is not an employee of the Bankruptcy Court itself but, rather, is appointed by and under supervision of the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
Implementation of the U.S. Trustee program has been deferred in the judicial districts of Alabama and North Carolina. Section 302(d)(3)(I) of the Bankruptcy Judges, United States Trustees, and Family Bankruptcy Act of 1986 authorized the Judicial Conference of the United States to establish and maintain an estate administration oversight program in the six judicial districts for the states of Alabama and North Carolina. The statute authorizes the Conference to prescribe regulations governing the appointment of a Bankruptcy Administrator for each district who, subject to Conference oversight:
a. establishes, maintains, and supervises a panel of private trustees in bankruptcy cases under chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code; and
b. supervises the administration of estates and trustees in cases under chapters 7, 11, 12 and 13 of the Code.
Bankruptcy Administrators also approve and maintain a list of approved credit counseling agencies and debtor education providers in their districts.